While I listen...

...I doodle! Chances are, if we've had a phone conversation, it ended up pink and/or squiggly. Try it next time you're on the phone, or listening to the radio or talking to someone (be a discreet doodler). Watch what comes out! Then report back, because I love spying on people's doodles too (look at expert pattern doodler Amanda)...here are some of mine lately:

Mopey ladies in the shade of orange lipstick I coveted (and finally found–Barry M LP#54–yes!):

Little sentences in the pauses of noise:


(and c-r-a-z-y!) Earl Grey has my vote...

Grandma's Gold!

Congratulations to Cecil Castellucci, author and just-announced gold medal winner of the 80th Annual California Book Awards in the juvenile category for Grandma's Gloves! It was a pleasure working on her heart-filled story and then finally meeting Cecil for a book signing last August. Favorite Cecil memory: her first exclamation from across the room, "OH! YAY! You're small TOO!" We had a tiny lady moment (both hovering around 5 feet) and it is funny to think about how we all imagine each other from across the internet, isn't it? Cecil is a petite whirlwind of energy, ideas and talent (she is also a playwright, vocalist, graphic novelist...)
...and check out Cecil's new Literary Diaspora project too, a little game of art and words being snail-mailed from authors, illustrators and left in the pages of unsuspecting books in book stores around the US/Canada! Maybe you will find one?

Cecil's words from Grandma's:

"She speaks to me in French, because that's what she spoke when she was little, before she grew up and met Grandpa and came to this country.

'She's forgotten it all,' Mum says sadly.

I tell Mum and the nurse that Grandma hasn't forgotten to water the plants in her room. They are big and green, and the violets are blooming..."

A Dress For Spring

Is it really REALLY TRULY Spring? Here in the Northeast, it's hard to let your heart be convinced lest it be quickly broken (by April snow), but I'm believing in Spring today. It's gorgeous and sunny and the perfect time to wear your favorite dress. Speaking of dresses...I heard from a bird (named Chad Beckerman) that the advances of my next book are IN:

I Had A Favorite Dress by Boni Ashburn! (Fall 2011)

Deciding what THE dress of dresses would be for the little girl in this book was a dizzying task, and you can imagine how many tiny dress drawings were made (a tiny closet full). So I'm going to open up the closet for random Dress Days throughout the months leading up to the release of the book. Some dresses you will be able to spy throughout the book! I had to name them all to keep them straight so on Dress Day #1 we have:

"Lemonade Gala"

with accompanying tune: Glenn Miller's String of Pearls
More soon!

Anthology Magazine: Issue 3

What have I been working on? Secrets and things...like paintings of gentlemen in tweed and ladies in high-waisted skirts for the upcoming issue of Anthology Magazine!

Cover peek above and teaser for their latest issue below:

Already an admiring subscriber, I was thrilled to have a chance to work with Anthology's founders, Editor in Chief Anh-Minh Le, and Creative Director (and author-illustrator-designer) Meg Mateo Ilasco to create the cover and interior work for Issue 3, May 2011. Their stockists include Anthropologie stores or you can subscribe via old-fashioned snail mail (my favorite).

Ah, what a good stretttchhhh for the art muscles to work in the style realm. Oxfords and heels, oh my!

Art soon...


Since it's Saint Patrick's Day this movie will indubitably be watched tonight (per Denos family tradition, we're a proud half Scotch-Irish lot). The Quiet Man has it all: antiquated silliness, witty script, dreamy landscape, perfectly ridiculous fight scene, most dramatic embrace EVER:

Sigh...one day I'll get to Ireland. True fact: back in the olden days I used to Irish step dance–yes indeed. May have a "reel" or two left in me yet! (Then it's on to find the zeppole per Mediterranean Denos family tradition, saints preserve us)... Sláinte!

J'aime la langue

Bonjour, mes amis! As I've mentioned, I'm currently learning french. Class is in a creaky old house shared by a bread bakery on my favorite corner in Harvard Square (Brattle). It's been lovely.

Learning, in general, has always acted as caffeine for my art inspiration. French class is serving this purpose like a large Burdick's dark hot chocolate would (Cambridge folks, you know the powers of this beverage!) When my mind is told to stretch, art making always follows. I've been dreaming in french too–waking up with little bits like "pas du tout" "deux par deux" floating around in my head. Though I'm not any good yet (see below), I want to soak in every bit! It is decoding code, listening for jewels in sentences and stringing them together, trying to make that french "R". It is like learning to dance; falling down over and over until you muddle through on tiptoes and find your balance just one sentence long...

Mes devoirs français (starring Claude + Gerard):

Les couleurs d'une fête

This time of year can sometimes be bleakest part of winter...the bitter end, the last haul ...just too grey!

Since my birthday is next week (yay, Pisces!) and we've just left the cheeriness of Valentine's, this time span has always felt a little dreamy to me. A little oasis of color. Memories of paper valentines, snail mail, crayons, pale pastel conversation hearts mingling with birthday party anticipation always follow me this time of year. In class we've been using the french word for festival/party too and I love it: "fête". Doesn't the word sound exactly like a little party hat?

So...I woke up this morning with these things bright in my mind and made:

Crayon buntings


And party dresses

Wishing you some winter color to tide you over!
*Merci beaucoup to my french teacher, Nicole, and friend Abby for checking grammar.


...the studio!

(bird's-eye from the kitchen)

Baseboard molding and outlet plates are all that's left to do. Matt designed the walls and windows. I arranged things to keep my eyes awake and my heart warm. I can't wait to have visitors! So come in...

This sandy colored ikat print makes me feel like I'm on a safari:

A live jungle cat:

Found Brian Wildsmith's ABC's on the side of the road in Central Square:

Deadlines and starfish:

1950's French globe-turned-lamp from Bliss Farm Antiques, Rehoboth MA (thank you to lovely owner, Jackie) Also from Bliss, La Civilité (Puérile et Honnête) an antique picture book of manners for children, illustrated by M.B. De Monvel...she found these things on her yearly trips to the Paris flea markets! Lucky treasure and Christmas presents from Matt :

One of its interiors I would like to live in:

Out the window:

Things that are keeping my eyes awake:

Oops! There are some secret things hanging up...

Side ponytails, a mermaid:

Been surrounding myself in these colors the past few weeks...learning so much from their interaction, dreaming in them, playing with them: unlikely pinks, reds, crisp cherry, corals, golds, bright carrot. My mind's eye is working at full speed. Seeing new work ahead while I paint projects...Oh and this book about Maira is packed full of inspiration-cartwheels and wonder:

I'm so happy to have a place where my imagination can simmer and streeetttchhhhhhhhh out! Thanks for peeking!


Another unfortunate but typical doodle situation: Gwen decided to show up centimeters away from the drawing pad rings. Her glasses are actually drawn in "Wild Watermelon" Crayola crayon, which the scanner gets fussy about and won't reproduce. So imagine hot pink rims. I wonder what she's up to...

And...Il neige! We are getting our third monstrous mid-week snow storm here in Boston...the amount of snow is unreal and silly (still love it though). Little funny things save my sanity when I'm stuck in too long, like one of my guilty pleasures : cheesy travel DVD's (Next stop: Basque Country!)

What do you like to do when you're stuck in?

Just Being Audrey: Book Birthday Contest!

"If I'm honest I have to tell you that I still read fairy tales–
and I like them best of all."
Audrey Hepburn

Today is Just Being Audrey's official book birthday, and to celebrate, we are giving away a promotional print and a copy of the book. To enter, skip over to the facebook page, and the winner will be drawn at random on Friday!

Thank you, friends, readers and bloggers, for your kind and supportive comments about Just Being Audrey along the way. It's been so neat to hear from you from all around the globe. Audrey's life has certainly touched a multitude of lives, as well as ours. Let's celebrate Audrey's life today!

Audrey, 1934, Belgium, via AudreyHepburn.com

Gracie Z: Dude! My outfit is totally cute!

I think my heart's about to burst! Dotty got a super review from the ever-gracious, ever-astute, ever-creative Zenz children: Gracie (age 10), Isaac (12) Elijah (5) and Lily (7). They review books with their dad, the talented illustrator, Aaron Zenz, on a blog called: Bookie Woogie. Read their review here. Then feast your eyes on a cast of their own imaginary friends:

"My biggest one is Manker. He is an imaginary friend with wheels. He's the biggest imaginary friend I have."-Elijah

The many happy residents of Lilyland.

Ensenta, Gracie's imaginary friend who USED to be a girl from Mexico who helped her drink her milk, but is now a pocket-sized fuzzball...

And just look at Isaac's sweet Dotty:

Dear Gracie: You and your imaginary friend have excellent fashion sense. Ensenta coordinates with your outfit!

Dear Isaac: You are SPOT on (sorry, no pun intended!) I did use water buffalo research for Dotty. Good detective work. I usually refer to her species now as "Bovinae-leo-dottus" if you are wondering.

Dear Elijah: Manker is very awesome fellow, how many stories tall is he? I bet he'd be good friends with Gert, maybe Hanker can be too.

Dear Lily: You are a magnificent artist! It must have been hard to get all those imaginary friends to sit still for a group portrait. If I had to pick one to hang out with for a day, it would totally be Blast (the rocket puppy).

Thank you for the artwork and kind words, Z-Kids! So happy you enjoyed Dotty! BIG hugs from Boston ♥

Happy New Year!

What is just as magical as the holiday season? That delicious, snow-scented, post-holiday feeling of newness, travel, possibility, creative energy bursting out in all directions. Are you feeling it?

2011 is going to be stupendous. I can feel it in my bones! In 21 days Just Being Audrey arrives on shelves...I'm putting the final touches on my new book by Boni Ashburn, I Had A Favorite Dress due out in 2011 (interior art above : Maggie Jean, The Fashion Queen) ...repackaging covers for the Alice series by Phyllis Naylor and The Casson series by Hilary KcKay for 2011...and we are working on opening my very first online boutique including collectible limited-run prints, stationery, and more!

Au revoir for now, my friends, and a creative + joyful 2011 to you ♥