"Mornin', Cowboys!"

A few weeks ago, illustrator bud, Emily Goodale, and I decided to each make our own secret version of the plucky little girl named "Pony the Hat" from Erich Kastner's translated story, Emil and the Detectives. There is absolutely no explanation for her nickname throughout the text. Pony was so genuine and silly we couldn't contain our love for her, so we both decided to draw her.

For most of the story, Pony exists on a bicycle in a gang of boy sleuths, assisting them in tracking down a thief in the middle of Berlin (pre-WWII) She is the cousin of the protagonist, Emil Tabletoe. As a relayer of information between a worried grandmother and Emil's gang, Pony rides her nickel-plated bike to and from the city, thermoses of coffee and treats in tow for her boys. An essential part of the caper, she is often exclaiming things like, "Well, there's nothing like having a woman around the house." Keep in mind she is probably no older than 10 and likes wrestling more than her cousin.

We JUST revealed them to each other last week and decided to make a simultaneous post tonight for everyone to see! So here is my Pony, and here is Emily's.

P.S. Neither of us spoke of using a yellow dress or even hair and look what happened!